S01 - Mandelbrot explorer - Standard precision

This is a simple “toy” template to start exploring the Mandelbrot set with the GUI. Resolution limited to approx 1.e-13 due to double (float64) precision

Reference: fractalshades.models.Mandelbrot

S01 run interactive shallow
import os

import fractalshades as fs
import fractalshades.models as fsm
import fractalshades.gui
import fractalshades.gui.guitemplates
import fractalshades.gui.guimodel

def plot(plot_dir):
    fractal = fsm.Mandelbrot(plot_dir)

    zooming = fs.gui.guitemplates.std_zooming(fractal)
    gui = fs.gui.guimodel.Fractal_GUI(zooming)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Some magic to get the directory for plotting: with a name that matches
    # the file or a temporary dir if we are building the documentation
        realpath = os.path.realpath(__file__)
        plot_dir = os.path.splitext(realpath)[0]
    except NameError:
        import tempfile
        with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as plot_dir:
            fs.utils.exec_no_output(plot, plot_dir)

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 3.584 seconds)

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