This section describe the objects used to launch a GUI explorer.

class fractalshades.gui.guimodel.Fractal_GUI(func)[source]
funccallable with signature (fs.Fractal, **kwargs ).

The function definition shall provide ‘type hints’ that will be used by the the GUI to select / customize the appropriate editor. Each parameter will be displayed interactively and will be editable. The editor might be a simple text box, or for more complex objects a full pop-up or a dockable window.

The first parameter shall be a fractalshades.Fractal object, and its name shall be “fractal”. It is also partially editable: the parameters from the __init__ method will be user-tunable (it is not possible to change the fractal type or the base directory during a GUI interactive session)


Theses notes give further details regarding the definition of the func parameter


Regarding Type hints in Python, for a full specification, please see PEP_484. For a simplified introduction to type hints, see PEP_483. Fractalshades only support a subset of these, details below.


Currently the following parameters types are supported :
  • float

  • int

  • bool

  • mpmath.mpf (arbitrary precision floating point)

  • fs.colors.Color=(0., 0., 1.) (RGB color)

  • fs.colors.Color=(0., 0., 1., 0) (RGBA color)

  • fs.numpy_utils.Numpy_expr (defines a numpy function from string)

  • fs.Fractal subclasses

  • fs.colors.Fractal_colormap

  • fs.colors.Blinn_lighting

  • fs.gui.separator (used to group a set of parameters under a title)

  • fs.gui.collapsible_separator (same as above, collapsible)

A parameter that the user will chose among a list of discrete values can be represented by a typing.Literal :

listed: typing.Literal["a", "b", "c", 1, None]="c"

Also, typing.Union or typing.Optional derived of supported base types are supported (in this case a combo box to chose one type among those authorized be available):

typing.Union[int, float, str]


An example of a valid func parameter signature is show below:

import typing
import fractalshades.models as fsm

def func(
    fractal: fsm.Perturbation_mandelbrot=fractal,
    calc_name: str=calc_name,
    _1: fsgui.separator="Zoom parameters",
    x: mpmath.mpf=x,
    y: mpmath.mpf=y,
    dx: mpmath.mpf=dx,
    xy_ratio: float=xy_ratio,
    dps: int= dps,
    _2: fsgui.collapsible_separator="Calculation parameters",
    max_iter: int=max_iter,
    optional_float: typing.Optional[float]=3.14159,
    choices_str: typing.Literal["a", "b", "c"]="c",
    nx: int=nx,
    interior_detect: bool=interior_detect,
    interior_color: QtGui.QColor=(0., 0., 1.),
    transparent_color: QtGui.QColor=(0., 0., 1., 0.),
    probes_zmax: float=probes_zmax,
    epsilon_stationnary: float=epsilon_stationnary,
    colormap: fs.colors.Fractal_colormap=colormap
    func: fs.numpy_utils.Numpy_expr = (
        fs.numpy_utils.Numpy_expr("x", "np.log(x)")

Associate a image file with the GUI main diplay

image_param: str

Name of the image file to display. This image file shall be created by the function func in the same directory as the main script.

connect_mouse(x='x', y='y', dx='dx', nx='nx', xy_ratio='xy_ratio', theta_deg='theta_deg', dps='dps', **kwargs)[source]

Binds some parameters of the func passed to the fractalshades.gui.Fractal_GUI constructor with GUI mouse events.

x: str

Name of the parameter for the x-axis center of the image

y: str

Name of the parameter for the y-axis center of the image

dx: str

Name of the parameter for the x-axis width of the image

nx: str

Name of the parameter for the x-axis width of the image

xy_ratio: str

Name of the parameter for the ratio width / height of the image

dps: str | None

Name of the parameter for the precision in base-10 digits (mpmath arbitrary precision). If not using arbitrary precision, it is NEEDED to pass None.

theta_deg: str

Name of the parameter for the image rotation angle in degree.

other_parameters: dict

Pairs of (key, value) for additionnal parameters (skew, …)


Launches the GUI mainloop.

class fractalshades.gui.guitemplates.std_zooming(fractal)[source]

A generic zooming function to explore standard or perturbation Fractals, intended for use with a GUI fs.gui.guimodel.Fractal_GUI

Compatible with :

  • holomorphic or non-holomorphic (Burning-ship & al) variants

  • optional fieldlines

  • optional shading

  • optional interior plots based on cycle attractivity & order

  • optional deepzoom implementation

fractal: `fs.Fractal`

The fractal object to explore



A typical use case is show below (see also the interactive examples from the Gallery section):

fractal = fsm.Perturbation_mandelbrot(plot_dir)
zooming = fs.gui.guitemplates.std_zooming(fractal)
gui = fs.gui.guimodel.Fractal_GUI(zooming)