Source code for fractalshades.gui.guitemplates

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Generic functions to be used for GUI exploration
import inspect
import typing
import os
import textwrap

import numpy as np
import mpmath

import fractalshades as fs
import fractalshades.settings
import fractalshades.colors
import fractalshades.gui
import fractalshades.projection

from fractalshades.postproc import (

from fractalshades.colors.layers import (
from fractalshades.utils import Code_writer

usage = f"""# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Auto-generated from fractalshades GUI, version {fs.__version__}.
Save to `<file>.py` and run as a python script:
    > python <file>.py

usage_movie = f"""# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Auto-generated from fractalshades GUI, version {fs.__version__}.
Save to `<file>.py` and use its plotter in the movie making main script
    > from <file> import get_plotter, plot_kwargs

script_header = """
import os
import typing

import numpy as np
import mpmath
from PyQt6 import QtGui

import fractalshades
import fractalshades as fs
import fractalshades.models as fsm
import fractalshades.gui as fsgui
import fractalshades.colors as fscolors
import fractalshades.projection

from fractalshades.postproc import (
from fractalshades.colors.layers import (

# Note: in batch mode, edit this line to change the base directory
plot_dir = os.path.splitext(os.path.realpath(__file__))[0]

# Note: in batch mode, edit this line to change the local projection
# you may also call `plot` with a modified `batch_params` parameters
# (the latter allows to call from another module)
projection = fs.projection.Cartesian()

batch_params = {
    "projection": projection

script_footer = """
if __name__ == "__main__":
    plot(**plot_kwargs, batch_params=batch_params)

def script_title_sep(title, indent=0):
    """ Return a script comment line with the given title """
    sep_line = " " * 4 * indent + "#" + "-" * (78 - 4 * indent) + "\n"
    return (
        + sep_line
        + " " * 4 * indent + "# " + title + "\n"
        + sep_line

def script(source, kwargs, movie=False):
    """ Writes source code for this script """
    if movie:
        full_header = usage_movie + script_header
        full_header = usage + script_header

    func_params_str = "plot_kwargs = " + script_repr(kwargs, indent=0)
    source = (" " * 0) + source.replace("\n", "\n" + " " * 0)

    script = (
        + script_title_sep("Parameters - user editable ", 0)
        + func_params_str
        + script_title_sep("Function - /!\ do not modify this section", 0)
        + source
        + ("" if movie else script_footer)
        + "\n"

    return script

def script_repr(obj, indent=0):
    """ Simple alias for Code_writer.var_tocode :
        string source code for an object
    shift = " " * (4 * indent)
    code = Code_writer.var_tocode(obj)
    return shift + code.replace("\n", "\n" + shift)

def script_assignments(kwargs, indent=0):
    """ The parameter assignement part of the overall script:
        param1 = val1
        param2 = val2
    shift = " " * (4 * indent)
    ret = "\n".join(
            [(k + " = " + script_repr(v)) for (k, v) in kwargs.items()]
    ret = shift + ret.replace("\n", "\n" + shift)
    return ret

def getsource(callable_, movie=False):
    """ Return the source code for this callable
    if hasattr(callable_, "getsource"):
        return callable_.getsource(movie=movie)
        # Default: use inspect - use dedent to get consistent indentation level
        if movie:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Movie plotter-script not implemented for a GUI based on "
                "a standard function, construct the plotter script "
                "manually, or switch to a GUItemplate implementation."
        # Changes the function name to: `plot` (to get consistent call)
        # remove the default values - to avoid potential scoping issues
        source = textwrap.dedent(inspect.getsource(callable_))
        sgn = signature(callable_)
        func_name, func_params, func_body = split_source(source, sgn)
        str_params = get_str_params(func_params)
        return "def plot(" + str_params + func_body

def split_source(func_source, func_signature):
    func_source: string
        Function source code  to be parsed
    func_signature: Signature
        Signature of this function

    (func_name, func_params, func_body)

    func_name: str
        The extracted string "def func_name"

    func_params: mapping
        param -> param_txt where param_txt is the text
        describing the parameter in the function source code ie:
        "param_x: type = xxx" (as delimited by quotes)

    func_body: str
        the func body including the closing parameters parenthesis
    paren_stack = []  # stack for ()
    bracket_stack = []  # stack for []
    braces_stack = []  # stack for {}
    name_ic = 0 # index of the first opening (
    func_params = {}
    body_ic = 0 # index of the matching )

    param_beg = 0 # position of the , or the ( for the forst param
    iparam = 0 # next_expected parameter
    param_names = list(func_signature.parameters.keys())
    n_params = len(param_names)
    started = False
    for ic, c in enumerate(func_source):
        if not started:
            if c == "(":
                started = True
                name_ic = param_beg = ic
        # Here we are in the parameters
        if c in "([{}])":
            if c == ")":
            elif c == "]":
            elif c == "]":
            elif c == "(":
            elif c == "[":
            elif c == "{":
            if len(paren_stack) == 0:
                body_ic = ic
                pname = param_names[iparam]
                func_params[pname] = func_source[param_beg + 1: ic]
                break # finished reading the parameter block

        may_end_param = (
            len(paren_stack) == 1
            and len(bracket_stack) == 0
            and len(braces_stack) == 0

        if c == "," and may_end_param:
            # This is the end of a param declaration
            pname = param_names[iparam]
            func_params[pname] = func_source[param_beg + 1: ic]
            iparam += 1
            if iparam == n_params:
                # because might have a last comma...
                body_ic = ic
            param_beg = ic
    func_name = func_source[:name_ic]
    func_body = func_source[body_ic:]
    # Drop everything from the body before the ")" - avoid a potential 
    # ",," if the original params source code ends with ","
    incipit = func_body.find(")")
    func_body = func_body[incipit:]

    return func_name, func_params, func_body

def get_str_params(func_params):
    """ Remove the parameters default values from the signature """
    str_params = ""
    for p_name, v in func_params.items():
        decl, val = v.split("=") # dec -> <pname: annotation> / val -> <val>
        str_params += decl + ","
    return str_params

def signature(callable_):
    """ Return the signature for this callable
    if hasattr(callable_, "signature"):
        return callable_.signature()
        return inspect.signature(callable_)

class GUItemplate:
    """ Base class for all classes implementing a GUI-template function """

    def __init__(self, fractal):
        self.tuned_defaults = {}
        self.tuned_annotations = {}
        self.tuned_annotations_str = {}
        self.partial_vals = {}
        self.set_default("fractal", fractal)

    def set_default(self, pname, value):
        """ Change the default for param pname to tuned_annotations"""
        self.tuned_defaults[pname] = value

    def set_annotation(self, pname, tuned_annotations, annot_str):
        """ Change the annotation for param pname to tuned_annotations

        pname: str
            The name of the parameter to be modified
        tuned_annotations: annotation
            The modified annotation for this parameter
        annot_str: str
            string for this annotation (used for source code generation)
            for instance if annotation is `float`, just use "float"
        self.tuned_annotations[pname] = tuned_annotations
        self.tuned_annotations_str[pname] = annot_str

    def make_partial(self, pname, val):
        """ Remove the parameter from the signature (hence from the
        GUI-settable parameters) and impose its value to be val.

        Implementation note: Value of the partials to be considered by the
        caller (caller responsability) before actually calling the GUItemplate
        self.partial_vals[pname] = val

    def signature(self):
        Signature used as a base for the GUI-display

        sgn, taking into account
            - params with modified default value (through set_default)
            - params with modified annotation (through set_annotation)
            - params suppressed as a result of partial
        base_sgn = inspect.signature(self.__call__)
        my_defaults = self.tuned_defaults
        my_annots = self.tuned_annotations
        to_del = self.partial_vals.keys()

        sgn_params = []

        for p_name, param in base_sgn.parameters.items():
            if p_name in to_del:
                # Dropping this parameter -> skip to next item

            if p_name in my_defaults.keys():
                new_default = my_defaults[p_name]
                new_default = param.default

            if p_name in my_annots.keys():
                new_annot = my_annots[p_name]
                new_annot = param.annotation

            new_param = param.replace(
            sgn_params += [new_param]

        sgn = inspect.Signature(
        return sgn

    def getsource(self, movie=False):
        """ Returns the source code defining the function
        base_source = textwrap.dedent(inspect.getsource(self.__call__))
        func_name, func_params, func_body = self.split_source(base_source)

        if movie:
            look_for, replace_by = self.movie_source_modifiers()
            cut_index = func_body.find(look_for)
            func_body = func_body[:cut_index] + replace_by

        my_defaults = self.tuned_defaults
        my_annots = self.tuned_annotations_str
        my_vals = self.partial_vals 
        # func name: changed from __call__ to "plot" or "get_plotter"
        func_name = "def get_plotter(" if movie else "def plot("

        # func parameters:
        str_params = ""
        for p_name, v in func_params.items():
            if p_name == "self":

            # print("** v<", v, ">")
            decl, val = v.split("=", 1) # dec -> <pname: annotation> / val -> <val>

            if p_name in my_defaults.keys():
                val = " " + Code_writer.var_tocode(
                        my_defaults[p_name], indent=1)

            if p_name in my_vals.keys():
                val = " " + Code_writer.var_tocode(
                        my_vals[p_name], indent=1)

            if p_name in my_annots.keys():
                decl = "\n    " + p_name + " : " +  my_annots[p_name] + " "

            v = decl + "=" + val + ","
            str_params += v

        # Remove final ","
        str_params = str_params[:-1]

        # Remove final "\n" if applicable (due to delimitation of last item)
        # Note:
        last_char = str_params[-1]
        if len(str.splitlines(last_char)[0]) == 0:
            str_params = str_params[:-1]

        # Adds additional "batch" parameters:
        str_params += ",\n    batch_params=batch_params\n"

        return func_name + str_params + func_body

    def split_source(self, source):
        source: string
            Function source code  to be parsed

        (func_name, func_params, func_body)

        func_name: str
            The extracted string "def func_name"

        func_params: mapping
            param -> param_txt where param_txt is the text
            describing the parameter in the function source code ie:
            "param_x: type = xxx" (as delimited by quotes)

        func_body: str
            the func body including the closing parameters parenthesis
        base_sgn = inspect.signature(self.__class__.__call__)
        return split_source(source, base_sgn)


# A list of non Gui-editable parameters, which we want to be able to pass
# as parameters in batch mode
batch_params = {}

[docs] class std_zooming(GUItemplate):
[docs] def __init__(self, fractal): """ A generic zooming function to explore standard or perturbation Fractals, intended for use with a GUI `fs.gui.guimodel.Fractal_GUI` Compatible with : - holomorphic or non-holomorphic (Burning-ship & al) variants - optional fieldlines - optional shading - optional interior plots based on cycle attractivity & order - optional deepzoom implementation Parameters ---------- fractal: `fs.Fractal` The fractal object to explore Notes ----- .. note:: A typical use case is show below (see also the interactive examples from the :doc:`../../examples/index/` section): :: fractal = fsm.Perturbation_mandelbrot(plot_dir) zooming = fs.gui.guitemplates.std_zooming(fractal) gui = fs.gui.guimodel.Fractal_GUI(zooming) """ super().__init__(fractal) badges = ( "holomorphic", "implements_dzndc", "implements_fieldlines", "implements_newton", "implements_Milnor", "implements_interior_detection", "implements_deepzoom" ) for attr in badges: setattr(self, attr, getattr(fractal, attr, False)) self.connect_image_params = { "image_param": "calc_name" } if self.implements_deepzoom: self.connect_mouse_params = { "x": "x", "y": "y", "dx": "dx", "xy_ratio": "xy_ratio", "dps": "dps" } else: self.connect_mouse_params = { "x": "x", "y": "y", "dx": "dx", "xy_ratio": "xy_ratio", "dps": None } if not(self.holomorphic): # Connects also the zooming skew parameters self.connect_mouse_params.update({ "has_skew": "has_skew", "skew_00": "skew_00", "skew_01": "skew_01", "skew_10": "skew_10", "skew_11": "skew_11" }) if not(self.implements_newton): # Delete all parameters associated with Newton self.make_partial("compute_newton", False) self.make_partial("_3", None) self.make_partial("max_order", None) self.make_partial("max_newton", None) self.make_partial("eps_newton_cv", None) self.make_partial("_7", None) self.make_partial("int_layer", None) self.make_partial("colormap_int", None) self.make_partial("cmap_func_int", None) self.make_partial("zmin_int", None) self.make_partial("zmax_int", None) self.make_partial("lighting_int", None) if self.holomorphic: # Delete all parameters associated with skew transform self.make_partial("_1b", None) self.make_partial("has_skew", False) self.make_partial("skew_00", 1.) self.make_partial("skew_01", 0.) self.make_partial("skew_10", 0.) self.make_partial("skew_11", 1.) if self.implements_dzndc != "user": self.make_partial("calc_dzndc", False) if not(self.implements_fieldlines): # Delete all parameters associated with fieldlines self.make_partial("_6", None) self.make_partial("has_fieldlines", False) self.make_partial("fieldlines_func", None) self.make_partial("fieldlines_kind", None) self.make_partial("fieldlines_zmin", None) self.make_partial("fieldlines_zmax", None) self.make_partial("backshift", None) self.make_partial("n_iter", None) self.make_partial("swirl", None) self.make_partial("damping_ratio", None) self.make_partial("twin_intensity", None) if self.implements_Milnor: self.set_annotation( "shading_kind", typing.Literal["potential", "Milnor"], 'typing.Literal["potential", "Milnor"]' ) if self.implements_interior_detection == "no": self.make_partial("interior_detect", False) self.make_partial("epsilon_stationnary", None) elif self.implements_interior_detection == "always": self.make_partial("interior_detect", True) elif self.implements_interior_detection == "user": pass else: raise ValueError( "Unexpected value for GUI interior_detection:" f"{self.implements_interior_detection}" ) if self.implements_deepzoom: self.set_annotation("x", mpmath.mpf, "mpmath.mpf") self.set_annotation("y", mpmath.mpf, "mpmath.mpf") self.set_annotation("dx", mpmath.mpf, "mpmath.mpf") self.set_default("x", "0.0") self.set_default("y", "0.0") self.set_default("dx", "10.0") else: self.make_partial("dps", None)
def __call__( self, fractal: fs.Fractal=None, calc_name: str="std_zooming_calc", _1: fs.gui.collapsible_separator="Zoom parameters", x: float = 0.0, y: float = 0.0, dx: float = 10.0, dps: int = 16, xy_ratio: float = 1.0, theta_deg: float = 0.0, nx: int = 600, _1b: fs.gui.collapsible_separator = ( "Skew parameters /!\ Re-run when modified!" ), has_skew: bool = False, skew_00: float = 1., skew_01: float = 0., skew_10: float = 0., skew_11: float = 1., _2: fs.gui.collapsible_separator="Calculation parameters", max_iter: int = 5000, M_divergence: float = 1000., interior_detect: bool = True, epsilon_stationnary: float = 0.001, calc_dzndc: bool = True, _3: fs.gui.collapsible_separator = "Newton parameters", compute_newton: bool = True, max_order: int = 1500, max_newton: int = 20, eps_newton_cv: float =1.e-8, _4: fs.gui.collapsible_separator="Plotting parameters: base field", base_layer: typing.Literal[ "continuous_iter", "distance_estimation" ]="continuous_iter", colormap: fs.colors.Fractal_colormap=( fs.colors.cmap_register["classic"] ), cmap_func: fs.numpy_utils.Numpy_expr = ( fs.numpy_utils.Numpy_expr("x", "np.log(x)") ), zmin: float = 0.0, zmax: float = 5.0, zshift: float = -1.0, mask_color: fs.colors.Color=(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0), _7: fs.gui.collapsible_separator="Plotting parameters: Newton field", int_layer: typing.Literal[ "attractivity", "order", "attr / order" ]="attractivity", colormap_int: fs.colors.Fractal_colormap = ( fs.colors.Fractal_colormap( colors=[ [1. , 1. , 1. ], [0.16862746, 0.16862746, 0.16862746], [0. , 0. , 0. ] ], kinds=['Lch', 'Lch'], grad_npts=[8, 8], grad_funcs=['x', 'x'], extent='mirror' ) ), cmap_func_int: fs.numpy_utils.Numpy_expr = ( fs.numpy_utils.Numpy_expr("x", "x") ), zmin_int: float = 0.0, zmax_int: float = 1.0, _5: fs.gui.collapsible_separator = "Plotting parameters: shading", has_shading: bool = True, shading_kind: typing.Literal["potential"] = "potential", lighting: Blinn_lighting = ( fs.colors.lighting_register["glossy"] ), lighting_int: Blinn_lighting = ( fs.colors.lighting_register["glossy"] ), max_slope: float = 60., _6: fs.gui.collapsible_separator = "Plotting parameters: field lines", has_fieldlines: bool = False, fieldlines_func: fs.numpy_utils.Numpy_expr = ( fs.numpy_utils.Numpy_expr("x", "x") ), fieldlines_kind: typing.Literal["overlay", "twin"] = "overlay", fieldlines_zmin: float = -1.0, fieldlines_zmax: float = 1.0, backshift: int = 3, n_iter: int = 4, swirl: float = 0., damping_ratio: float = 0.8, twin_intensity: float = 0.1, _8: fs.gui.collapsible_separator="High-quality rendering options", final_render: bool=False, supersampling: fs.core.supersampling_type = "None", jitter: bool = False, recovery_mode: bool = False, _9: fs.gui.collapsible_separator="Extra outputs", output_masks: bool = False, output_normals: bool = False, output_heightmaps: bool = False, hmap_mask: float = 0., int_hmap_mask: float = 0., _10: fs.gui.collapsible_separator="General settings", log_verbosity: typing.Literal[fs.log.verbosity_enum ] = "debug @ console + log", enable_multithreading: bool = True, inspect_calc: bool = False, no_newton: bool = False, postproc_dtype: typing.Literal["float32", "float64"] = "float32" ): fs.settings.log_directory = os.path.join(, "log") fs.set_log_handlers(verbosity=log_verbosity) fs.settings.enable_multithreading = enable_multithreading fs.settings.inspect_calc = inspect_calc fs.settings.no_newton = no_newton fs.settings.postproc_dtype = postproc_dtype zoom_kwargs = { "x": x, "y": y, "dx": dx, "nx": nx, "xy_ratio": xy_ratio, "theta_deg": theta_deg, "has_skew": has_skew, "skew_00": skew_00, "skew_01": skew_01, "skew_10": skew_10, "skew_11": skew_11, "projection": batch_params.get( "projection", fs.projection.Cartesian() ) } if fractal.implements_deepzoom: zoom_kwargs["precision"] = dps fractal.zoom(**zoom_kwargs) calc_std_div_kw = { "calc_name": calc_name, "subset": None, "max_iter": max_iter, "M_divergence": M_divergence, } if fractal.implements_dzndc == "user": calc_std_div_kw["calc_dzndc"] = calc_dzndc if shading_kind == "Milnor": calc_std_div_kw["calc_d2zndc2"] = True if has_fieldlines: calc_orbit = (backshift > 0) calc_std_div_kw["calc_orbit"] = calc_orbit calc_std_div_kw["backshift"] = backshift if fractal.implements_interior_detection == "always": calc_std_div_kw["epsilon_stationnary"] = epsilon_stationnary elif fractal.implements_interior_detection == "user": calc_std_div_kw["interior_detect"] = interior_detect calc_std_div_kw["epsilon_stationnary"] = epsilon_stationnary fractal.calc_std_div(**calc_std_div_kw) # Run the calculation for the interior points - if wanted if compute_newton: interior = Fractal_array( fractal, calc_name, "stop_reason", func= "x != 1" ) fractal.newton_calc( calc_name="interior", subset=interior, known_orders=None, max_order=max_order, max_newton=max_newton, eps_newton_cv=eps_newton_cv, ) pp = Postproc_batch(fractal, calc_name) if base_layer == "continuous_iter": pp.add_postproc(base_layer, Continuous_iter_pp()) if output_heightmaps: pp.add_postproc("base_hmap", Continuous_iter_pp()) elif base_layer == "distance_estimation": pp.add_postproc("continuous_iter", Continuous_iter_pp()) pp.add_postproc(base_layer, DEM_pp()) if output_heightmaps: pp.add_postproc("base_hmap", DEM_pp()) if has_fieldlines: pp.add_postproc( "fieldlines", Fieldlines_pp(n_iter, swirl, damping_ratio) ) else: fieldlines_kind = "None" pp.add_postproc("interior", Raw_pp("stop_reason", func="x != 1")) if compute_newton: pp_int = Postproc_batch(fractal, "interior") if int_layer == "attractivity": pp_int.add_postproc(int_layer, Attr_pp()) if output_heightmaps: pp_int.add_postproc("interior_hmap", Attr_pp()) elif int_layer == "order": pp_int.add_postproc(int_layer, Raw_pp("order")) if output_heightmaps: pp_int.add_postproc("interior_hmap", Raw_pp("order")) elif int_layer == "attr / order": pp_int.add_postproc(int_layer, Attr_pp(scale_by_order=True)) if output_heightmaps: pp_int.add_postproc( "interior_hmap", Attr_pp(scale_by_order=True) ) # Set of unknown points pp_int.add_postproc( "unknown", Raw_pp("stop_reason", func="x == 0") ) pps = [pp, pp_int] else: pps = pp if has_shading: pp.add_postproc("DEM_map", DEM_normal_pp(kind=shading_kind)) if compute_newton: pp_int.add_postproc("attr_map", Attr_normal_pp()) plotter = fs.Fractal_plotter( pps, final_render=final_render, supersampling=supersampling, jitter=jitter, recovery_mode=recovery_mode ) # The mask values & curves for heighmaps r1 = min(hmap_mask, 0.) r2 = max(hmap_mask, 1.) dr = r2 - r1 hmap_curve = lambda x : (np.clip(x, 0., 1.) - r1) / dr r1 = min(int_hmap_mask, 0.) r2 = max(int_hmap_mask, 1.) dr = r2 - r1 int_hmap_curve = lambda x : (np.clip(x, 0., 1.) - r1) / dr # The layers plotter.add_layer(Bool_layer("interior", output=output_masks)) if compute_newton: plotter.add_layer(Bool_layer("unknown", output=output_masks)) if fieldlines_kind == "twin": plotter.add_layer(Virtual_layer( "fieldlines", func=fieldlines_func, output=False )) elif fieldlines_kind == "overlay": plotter.add_layer(Grey_layer( "fieldlines", func=fieldlines_func, probes_z=[fieldlines_zmin, fieldlines_zmax], output=False )) if has_shading: plotter.add_layer(Normal_map_layer( "DEM_map", max_slope=max_slope, output=output_normals )) plotter["DEM_map"].set_mask(plotter["interior"]) if compute_newton: plotter.add_layer(Normal_map_layer( "attr_map", max_slope=90, output=output_normals )) if base_layer != 'continuous_iter': plotter.add_layer( Virtual_layer("continuous_iter", func=None, output=False) ) plotter.add_layer(Color_layer( base_layer, func=cmap_func, colormap=colormap, probes_z=[zmin + zshift, zmax + zshift], output=True) ) if output_heightmaps: plotter.add_layer(Disp_layer( "base_hmap", func=cmap_func, curve=hmap_curve, probes_z=[zmin + zshift, zmax + zshift], output=True )) if compute_newton: plotter.add_layer(Color_layer( int_layer, func=cmap_func_int, colormap=colormap_int, probes_z=[zmin_int, zmax_int], output=False)) plotter[int_layer].set_mask(plotter["unknown"], mask_color=mask_color) if output_heightmaps: plotter.add_layer(Disp_layer( "interior_hmap", func=cmap_func, curve=int_hmap_curve, probes_z=[zmin_int, zmax_int], output=True )) plotter["interior_hmap"].set_mask( plotter["unknown"], mask_color=(int_hmap_mask,) ) if fieldlines_kind == "twin": plotter[base_layer].set_twin_field( plotter["fieldlines"], twin_intensity ) elif fieldlines_kind == "overlay": overlay_mode = Overlay_mode("tint_or_shade", pegtop=1.0) plotter[base_layer].overlay(plotter["fieldlines"], overlay_mode) if has_shading: plotter[base_layer].shade(plotter["DEM_map"], lighting) if compute_newton: plotter[int_layer].shade(plotter["attr_map"], lighting_int) plotter["attr_map"].set_mask(plotter["unknown"], mask_color=(0., 0., 0., 0.)) if compute_newton: # Overlay : alpha composite with "interior" layer ie, where it is not # masked, we take the value of the "attr" layer overlay_mode = Overlay_mode( "alpha_composite", alpha_mask=plotter["interior"], inverse_mask=True ) plotter[base_layer].overlay(plotter[int_layer], overlay_mode=overlay_mode) else: plotter[base_layer].set_mask( plotter["interior"], mask_color=mask_color ) if output_heightmaps: plotter["base_hmap"].set_mask( plotter["interior"], mask_color=(hmap_mask,) ) plotter.plot() # Renaming output to match expected from the Fractal GUI layer = plotter[base_layer] file_name = "{}_{}".format(type(layer).__name__, layer.postname) src_path = os.path.join(, file_name + ".png") dest_path = os.path.join(, calc_name + ".png") if os.path.isfile(dest_path): os.unlink(dest_path), dest_path) def movie_source_modifiers(self): """ Return the mods to source code needed for a movie making instance -> do not plot the image -> instead, simply return the plotter + base image name """ look_for = "plotter.plot()" replace_by = """\n return plotter, plotter[base_layer].postname """ return look_for, replace_by