# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import typing
import enum
import pprint
import pickle
import numpy as np
#import matplotlib.colors
#from matplotlib.figure import Figure
#from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import FigureCanvasAgg
import numba
import PIL
import PIL.ImageQt
import fractalshades.numpy_utils as np_utils
class Color_tools():
""" A bunch of staticmethods
Color conversions from http://www.easyrgb.com/en/math.php#text7
All take as input and return arrays of size [n, 3]"""
# CIE LAB constants Illuminant= D65
# Simulates noon daylight with correlated color temperature of 6504 K.
Lab_ref_white = np.array([0.95047, 1., 1.08883])
# CIE LAB constants Illuminant= D55
# Simulates mid-morning or mid-afternoon daylight with correlated color
# temperature of 5500 K.
D55_ref_white = np.array([0.9568, 1., 0.9214])
# CIE LAB constants Illuminant= D50
# Simulates warm daylight at sunrise or sunset with correlated color
# temperature of 5003 K. Also known as horizon light.
D50_ref_white = np.array([0.964212, 1., .825188])
# CIE standard illuminant A, . Simulates typical, domestic,
# tungsten-filament lighting with correlated color temperature of 2856 K.
A_ref_white = np.array([1.0985, 1.0000, 0.3558])
def rgb_to_XYZ(rgb):
arr = np.swapaxes(rgb, 0, 1)
arr = np.where(arr > 0.04045, ((arr + 0.055) / 1.055) ** 2.4,
arr / 12.92)
matrix = np.array([[0.4124, 0.3576, 0.1805],
[0.2126, 0.7152, 0.0722],
[0.0193, 0.1192, 0.9505]])
return np.swapaxes(np.dot(matrix, arr), 0, 1)
def XYZ_to_rgb(XYZ):
arr = np.swapaxes(XYZ, 0, 1)
matrix_inv = np.array([[ 3.24062548, -1.53720797, -0.4986286 ],
[-0.96893071, 1.87575606, 0.04151752],
[ 0.05571012, -0.20402105, 1.05699594]])
arr = np.dot(matrix_inv, arr)
arr[arr < 0.] = 0.
arr = np.where(arr > 0.0031308,
1.055 * np.power(arr, 1. / 2.4) - 0.055, arr * 12.92)
arr[arr > 1.] = 1.
return np.swapaxes(arr, 0, 1)
def XYZ_to_CIELab(XYZ, ref_white=Lab_ref_white):
arr = XYZ / ref_white
arr = np.where(arr > 0.008856, arr ** (1. / 3.),
(7.787 * arr) + 16. / 116.)
x, y, z = arr[:, 0], arr[:, 1], arr[:, 2]
L, a , b = (116. * y) - 16. , 500.0 * (x - y) , 200.0 * (y - z)
return np.swapaxes(np.vstack([L, a, b]), 0, 1)
def CIELab_to_XYZ(Lab, ref_white=Lab_ref_white):
L, a, b = Lab[:, 0], Lab[:, 1], Lab[:, 2]
y = (L + 16.) / 116.
x = (a / 500.) + y
z = y - (b / 200.)
arr = np.vstack([x, y, z])
arr = np.where(arr > 0.2068966, arr ** 3.,
(arr - 16. / 116.) / 7.787)
return np.swapaxes(arr, 0, 1) * ref_white
def CIELab_to_CIELch(Lab):
L, a, b = Lab[:, 0], Lab[:, 1], Lab[:, 2]
h = np.arctan2(b, a)
h = np.where(h > 0, h / np.pi * 180.,
360. + h / np.pi * 180.)
c = np.sqrt(a**2 + b**2)
arr = np.vstack([L, c, h])
return np.swapaxes(arr, 0, 1)
def CIELch_to_CIELab(Lch):
L, c, h = Lch[:, 0], Lch[:, 1], Lch[:, 2]
h_rad = h * np.pi / 180.
a = c * np.cos(h_rad)
b = c * np.sin(h_rad)
arr = np.vstack([L, a, b])
return np.swapaxes(arr, 0, 1)
def rgb_to_CIELab(rgb):
return Color_tools.XYZ_to_CIELab(Color_tools.rgb_to_XYZ(rgb))
def rgb_to_CIELch(rgb):
return Color_tools.CIELab_to_CIELch(
def CIELab_to_rgb(Lab):
return Color_tools.XYZ_to_rgb(Color_tools.CIELab_to_XYZ(Lab))
def CIELch_to_rgb(Lch):
return Color_tools.XYZ_to_rgb(
def Lab_gradient(color_1, color_2, n, f=lambda t: t):
Return a color gradient between color_1 and color_2, default linear in
*color1* and *color_2* in rgb coordinate
*n* integer number of color in gradient
*f* function default to linear, general case c1 + f * (c2 - c1)
return Color_tools.customized_Lab_gradient(color_1, color_2, n, f, f)
def desaturated(color):
Return the grey tone of identical Luminance
L = Color_tools.rgb_to_CIELab(color[np.newaxis, :])[0, 0]
return Color_tools.CIELab_to_rgb(np.array([[L, 0., 0.]]))[0, :]
def Lch_gradient(color_1, color_2, n, long_path=False, f=lambda t: t):
Return a color gradient between color_1 and color_2, default linear in
*color1* and *color_2* in rgb coordinate
*n* integer number of color in gradient
*long_path* boolean If True, select the path that is > 180° in hue
*f* function default to linear, general case c1 + f * (c2 - c1)
return Color_tools.customized_Lch_gradient(color_1, color_2, n,
long_path, f, f, f)
def color_gradient(kind, color_1, color_2, n, f=lambda t: t):
Return a color gradient between color_1 and color_2, default linear in
*kind* "Lab" | "Lch"
*color1* and *color_2* in rgb coordinate
*n* integer number of color in gradient
*f* function default to linear, general case c1 + f * (c2 - c1)
if kind == "Lab":
return Color_tools.Lab_gradient(color_1, color_2, n, f=f)
elif kind == "Lch":
return Color_tools.Lch_gradient(color_1, color_2, n, f=f)
raise ValueError(
"Unsupported kind {}, expecting Lab or Lch".format(kind))
def customized_Lab_gradient(color_1, color_2, n,
L=lambda t: t, ab=lambda t: t):
Idem Lab_gradient except we customize 2 functions L and a = b noted ab
Lab_1 = Color_tools.rgb_to_CIELab(color_1[np.newaxis, :])[0, :]
Lab_2 = Color_tools.rgb_to_CIELab(color_2[np.newaxis, :])[0, :]
arr = np.vstack([Lab_1[i] +
f(np.linspace(0., 1., n)) * (Lab_2[i] - Lab_1[i])
for f, i in zip([L, ab, ab], [0, 1, 2])]).T
return Color_tools.CIELab_to_rgb(arr)
def customized_Lch_gradient(color_1, color_2, n, long_path=False,
L=lambda t: t, c=lambda t: t, h=lambda t: t):
Idem Lch_gradient except we customize all 3 functions L, c, h
Lch_1 = Color_tools.rgb_to_CIELch(color_1[np.newaxis, :])[0, :]
Lch_2 = Color_tools.rgb_to_CIELch(color_2[np.newaxis, :])[0, :]
h1, h2 = Lch_1[2], Lch_2[2]
if np.abs(h2- h1) > 180. and (not long_path):
Lch_2[2] = h2 - np.sign(h2 - h1) * 360. # take the shortest path
if np.abs(h2- h1) < 180. and long_path:
Lch_2[2] = h2 - np.sign(h2 - h1) * 360. # take the longest path
arr = np.vstack([Lch_1[i] +
f(np.linspace(0., 1., n)) * (Lch_2[i] - Lch_1[i])
for f, i in zip([L, c, h], [0, 1, 2])]).T
return Color_tools.CIELch_to_rgb(arr)
def blend(rgb, shade, shade_type=None):
Provides several "shading" options based on shade_type dict
*rgb* array of colors to 'shade', shape (nx, 3) or (nx, ny, 3)
*shade* N&B array shape similar to rgb but last dim is 1
*shade_type* {"Lch": x1, "overlay": x2, "pegtop": x3}
x1, x2, x3 positive scalars, the proportion of each shading method
in the final image.
if shade_type is None:
shade_type = {"Lch": 4., "overlay": 4., "pegtop": 1.}
blend_T = float(sum((shade_type.get(key, 0.)
for key in["Lch", "overlay", "pegtop"])))
is_image = (len(rgb.shape) == 3)
if is_image:
imx, imy, ichannel = rgb.shape
if ichannel!= 3:
raise ValueError("expectd rgb array")
rgb = np.copy(rgb.reshape(imx * imy, 3))
shade = np.copy(shade.reshape(imx * imy, 1))
XYZ = Color_tools.rgb_to_XYZ(rgb[:, 0:3])
XYZ_overlay = np.zeros([imx * imy, 3])
XYZ_pegtop = np.zeros([imx * imy, 3])
XYZ_Lch = np.zeros([imx * imy, 3])
ref_white = Color_tools.D50_ref_white
if shade_type.get("overlay", 0.) != 0:
low = 2. * shade * XYZ
high = ref_white * 100. - 2. * (1. - shade) * (ref_white * 100. - XYZ)
XYZ_overlay = np.where(XYZ <= 0.5 * ref_white * 100., low, high)
if shade_type.get("pegtop", 0.) != 0:
XYZ_pegtop = 2. * shade * XYZ + (1. - 2. * shade) * XYZ**2 / ref_white
if shade_type.get("Lch", 0.) != 0:
shade = 2. * shade - 1.
Lab = Color_tools.XYZ_to_CIELab(XYZ)
L = Lab[:, 0, np.newaxis]
a = Lab[:, 1, np.newaxis]
b = Lab[:, 2, np.newaxis]
np.putmask(L, shade > 0, L + shade * (100. - L)) # lighten
np.putmask(L, shade < 0, L * (1. + shade )) # darken
np.putmask(a, shade > 0, a - shade**2 * a) # lighten
np.putmask(a, shade < 0, a * (1. - shade**2 )) # darken
np.putmask(b, shade > 0, b - shade**2 * b) # lighten
np.putmask(b, shade < 0, b * (1. - shade**2 )) # darken
Lab[:, 0] = L[:, 0]
Lab[:, 1] = a[:, 0]
Lab[:, 2] = b[:, 0]
XYZ_Lch = Color_tools.CIELab_to_XYZ(Lab)
XYZ = (XYZ_overlay * shade_type["overlay"] +
XYZ_pegtop * shade_type["pegtop"] +
XYZ_Lch * shade_type["Lch"]) / blend_T
# Convert modified hsv back to rgb.
blend = Color_tools.XYZ_to_rgb(XYZ)
if is_image:
blend = blend.reshape([imx, imy, 3])
return blend
def shade_layer(normal, theta_LS, phi_LS, shininess=0., ratio_specular=0.,
*normal* flat array of normal vect
"theta_LS" angle of incoming light [0, 360]
"phi_LS" azimuth of incoming light [0, 90] 90 is vertical
"shininess" material coefficient for specular
"ratio_specular" ratio of specular to lambert
*shade* array of light intensity, greyscale image (value btwn 0 and 1)
if "LS_coords" in kwargs.keys():
# LS is localized somewhere in the image computing theta_LS
# as a vector
LSx, LSy = kwargs["LS_coords"]
(ix, ixx, iy, iyy) = kwargs["chunk_slice"]
chunk_mask = kwargs["chunk_mask"]
nx = kwargs["nx"]
ny = kwargs["ny"]
nx_grid = (np.arange(ix, ixx, dtype=np.float32) / nx) - 0.5
ny_grid = (np.arange(iy, iyy, dtype=np.float32) / ny) - 0.5
ny_vec, nx_vec = np.meshgrid(ny_grid, nx_grid)
theta_LS = - np.ravel(np.arctan2(LSy - ny_vec, nx_vec - LSx)) + np.pi
if chunk_mask is not None:
theta_LS = theta_LS[chunk_mask]
# Default case LS at infinity incoming angle provided
theta_LS = theta_LS * np.pi / 180.
phi_LS = phi_LS * np.pi / 180.
if "exp_map" in kwargs.keys():
raise ValueError() # debug
# Normal angle correction in case of exponential map
if kwargs["exp_map"]:
(ix, ixx, iy, iyy) = kwargs["chunk_slice"]
chunk_mask = kwargs["chunk_mask"]
nx = kwargs["nx"]
ny = kwargs["ny"]
nx_grid = (np.arange(ix, ixx, dtype=np.float32) / nx) - 0.5
ny_grid = (np.arange(iy, iyy, dtype=np.float32) / ny) - 0.5
ny_vec, nx_vec = np.meshgrid(ny_grid, nx_grid)
expmap_angle = np.ravel(np.exp(-1j * (ny_vec) * np.pi * 2.))
if chunk_mask is not None:
expmap_angle = expmap_angle[chunk_mask]
normal = normal * expmap_angle
# k_ambient = - 1. / (2. * ratio_specular + 1.)
k_lambert = 1. #- 2. * k_ambient
k_spec = ratio_specular * k_lambert
# Light source coordinates
LSx = np.cos(theta_LS) * np.cos(phi_LS)
LSy = np.sin(theta_LS) * np.cos(phi_LS)
LSz = np.sin(phi_LS)
# Normal vector coordinates - Lambert shading
nx = normal.real
ny = normal.imag
nz = np.sqrt(1. - nx**2 - ny**2)
if "inverse_n" in kwargs.keys():
if kwargs["inverse_n"]:
nx = -nx
ny = -ny
lambert = LSx * nx + LSy * ny + LSz * nz
np.putmask(lambert, lambert < 0., 0.)
# half-way vector coordinates - Blinn Phong shading
specular = np.zeros_like(lambert)
if ratio_specular != 0.:
phi_half = (np.pi * 0.5 + phi_LS) * 0.5
half_x = np.cos(theta_LS) * np.sin(phi_half)
half_y = np.sin(theta_LS) * np.sin(phi_half)
half_z = np.cos(phi_half)
spec_angle = half_x * nx + half_y * ny + half_z * nz
np.putmask(spec_angle, spec_angle < 0., 0.)
specular = np.power(spec_angle, shininess)
res = k_lambert * lambert + k_spec * specular # + k_ambient
#res[normal == 0.] = 0.5 * (np.nanmin(res) + np.nanmax(res))
np.putmask(res, normal == 0., np.nanmin(res) + 0.5 * (np.nanmax(res) - np.nanmin(res)))
except ValueError:
return res# k_ambient + k_lambert * lambert + k_spec * specular
class Color:
def __init__(self, arr):
""" An interface for QtGui.QColor """
self.arr = arr
def _validate(self, arr):
if len(arr) not in (3, 4):
raise ValueError(f"arr shape not as expected: {arr.shape}")
class Fractal_colormap:
KIND_ENUM = enum.Enum(
("Lab", "Lch"),
kind_type = typing.Literal[KIND_ENUM]
EXTENT_ENUM = enum.Enum(
("clip", "mirror", "repeat"),
extent_type = typing.Literal[EXTENT_ENUM]
def __init__(
colors: Color,
kinds: kind_type,
grad_npts: int=12,
grad_funcs: np_utils.Numpy_expr="x",
extent: extent_type="mirror"
Fractal_colormap, concatenates (n-1) color gradients (passing
through n colors).
colors : rgb float np.array of shape [n, 3]
The successives colors of the colormap
kinds: arrays of string [n-1] , "Lab" or "Lch"
The kind of gradient between colors n and n+1 : either linear in
Lab space of Lch space
grad_npts : int np.array of size [n-1]
number of internal points stores, gradient between colors n and n+1
a typical value is 32.
grad_funcs : [n-1] array of callables mapping [0, 1.] to [0., 1]
These are passed to each gradient. Callable passed as a string
expression of the "x" variable
(ie, the callable is the evaluation of "lambda x: " + expr).
Default to identity ("x").
extent : "clip" | "mirror" | "repeat"
What to do with out-of-range values.
.. note::
See also the colormap section of the gallery for the available
self.colors = colors = np.asarray(colors)
self.n_grads = n_grads = colors.shape[0] - 1
self.n_probes = colors.shape[0]
# Provides sensible defaults if a scalar is provided
if isinstance(kinds, str):
kinds = [kinds] * n_grads
if isinstance(grad_npts, int):
grad_npts = [grad_npts] * n_grads
if isinstance(grad_funcs, str): #callable(grad_funcs):
grad_funcs = [grad_funcs] * n_grads
self.kinds = kinds # = np.asarray(kinds)
self.grad_npts = grad_npts = np.asarray(grad_npts)
self.grad_funcs = grad_funcs # = np.asarray(grad_funcs)
self.extent = extent
# Deprecated option (not compatible with GUI editor)
if callable(grad_funcs):
raise ValueError("Callable grad_funcs deprecated, use string")
def _load_internal_arrays(self):
""" To be called when one of the base array is modified """
n_grads = self.n_grads
n_probes = self.n_probes
colors = self.colors
grad_npts = self.grad_npts
grad_funcs = self.grad_funcs
kinds = self.kinds
# Should define 2 internal arrays
self._n_interp_colors = sum(grad_npts) - n_grads + 1
self._interp_colors = np.empty(
[self._n_interp_colors, 3], dtype=np.float64
self._probes = np.empty([n_probes], dtype=np.float32)
grad_func_evals = [
np_utils.func_parser(["x"], grad_funcs[i_grad])
for i_grad in range(n_grads)
i_col = 0
for i_grad in range(n_grads):
grad = Color_tools.color_gradient(
kinds[i_grad], colors[i_grad, :], colors[i_grad + 1, :],
grad_npts[i_grad], grad_func_evals[i_grad])
self._interp_colors[i_col: i_col + grad_npts[i_grad], :] = grad
self._probes[i_grad] = i_col
i_col += (grad_npts[i_grad] - 1)
self._probes[n_grads] = i_col # last piquet
# Is is it a known template ?
self._template = None
#~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GUI interaction methods
def n_rows(self):
return len(self.colors)
def modify_item(self, col_key, irow, value):
""" In place modifcation of cmap """
# print("in color.Colormap modify_item", col_key, irow, value, type(value))
# print("In OBJECT modify_item", col_key, irow, value, type(value))
getattr(self, col_key)[irow] = value
def col_data(self, col_key):
""" Returns a column of the expected field """
return getattr(self, col_key)
def default_kind(self):
return self.kinds[-1]
def default_func(self):
# Default value for next line when adjusting
return self.grad_funcs[-1]
def default_color(self):
# Default value for next line when adjusting
return self.colors[-1, :]
def default_grad_npts(self):
# Default value for next line when adjusting
return self.grad_npts[-1]
def adjust_size(self, n_probes):
""" In place modifcation of array size"""
n_probes_old = self.n_probes
diff = n_probes - n_probes_old
n_grads = self.n_grads + diff
if diff < 0:
self.colors = self.colors[:n_probes, :]
self.kinds = self.kinds[:n_grads]
self.grad_npts = self.grad_npts[:n_grads]
self.grad_funcs = self.grad_funcs[:n_grads]
elif diff > 0:
self.kinds = self.kinds + [self.default_kind] * diff
self.grad_funcs = self.grad_funcs + [self.default_func] * diff
# numpy arrays:
self.grad_npts = np.concatenate([
self.default_grad_npts * np.ones((diff,), dtype=np.int64)],
self.colors = np.concatenate([
np.vstack([self.default_color[np.newaxis, :]] * diff)
# Nothing has changed...
# Store the new values !
self.n_probes = n_probes
self.n_grads = n_grads
def save_as_pickle(self, save_path):
""" Save as .cmap pickle file"""
with open(save_path, 'wb+') as tmpfile:
pickle.dump(self, tmpfile, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
def load_as_pickle(cls, save_path):
""" Load a .cmap pickle file and returns the result"""
with open(save_path, "rb") as tmpfile:
cmap_res = pickle.load(tmpfile)
return cmap_res
def script_repr(self, indent=0):
""" Return a string that can be used to restore the colormap
shift = " " * (4 * (indent + 1))
shift_arr = " " * (4 * (indent + 2))
if hasattr(self, "_template") and self._template is not None:
return f"fs.colors.cmap_register[\"{self._template}\"]"
colors_str = np.array2string(self.colors, separator=', ')
colors_str = colors_str.replace("\n", "\n" + shift_arr)
kinds_str = pprint.pformat(self.kinds, compact=True) # repr(self.kinds)
kinds_str = kinds_str.replace("\n", "\n" + shift_arr)
grad_npts_str = np.array2string(self.grad_npts, separator=', ')
grad_npts_str = grad_npts_str.replace("\n", "\n" + shift_arr)
grad_funcs_str = pprint.pformat(self.grad_funcs, compact=True) # repr(self.grad_funcs)
grad_funcs_str = grad_funcs_str.replace("\n", "\n" + shift_arr)
extent_str = self.extent
return (
).format(colors_str, kinds_str, grad_npts_str, grad_funcs_str,
def _output(self, nx, ny):
nx_fi = nx
ny_fi = ny
nx *= 2
ny *= 2
margin = 1
nx_im = nx - 4 * margin
ny_im = ny - 4 * margin
arrow_size = 0.05
img = np.repeat(
np.linspace(-arrow_size, 1. + arrow_size, nx_im)[:, np.newaxis],
ny_im, axis=1
i_arr = np.copy(img)
j_arr = np.repeat(
np.linspace(-arrow_size, arrow_size, ny_im)[np.newaxis, :],
nx_im, axis=0
img = self.colorize(img, np.linspace(0., 1., len(self._probes)))
img = np.uint8(img * 255.999)
self._add_arrow(img, i_arr, j_arr, arrow_size)
# Apply LANCZOS filter
PIL_img = PIL.Image.fromarray(img)
PIL_img = PIL_img.resize(
size=((ny_fi - 2 * margin), (nx_fi - 2 * margin)),
img = np.array(PIL_img)
B = np.ones([nx_fi, ny_fi, 3], dtype=np.uint8) * 255
B[margin:nx_fi - margin, margin:ny_fi - margin, :] = img
return np.swapaxes(B, 0, 1)
def _add_arrow(img, i_arr, j_arr, arrow_size):
""" Draws the shape of the extra arrow in white """
arr1 = (i_arr + j_arr < -arrow_size)
arr2 = (i_arr - j_arr < -arrow_size)
arr3 = (i_arr + j_arr > 1. + arrow_size)
arr4 = (i_arr - j_arr > 1. + arrow_size)
for arrloc in (arr1, arr2, arr3, arr4):
np.putmask(img[:, :, 0], arrloc, (255,))
np.putmask(img[:, :, 1], arrloc, (255,))
np.putmask(img[:, :, 2], arrloc, (255,))
def output_png(self, dir_path, file_name, nx, ny):
Outputs the colorbar to a .png files:
B = self._output(nx, ny)
os.path.join(dir_path, file_name + ".cbar.png"))
def output_ImageQt(self, nx, ny):
B = self._output(nx, ny)
return PIL.ImageQt.ImageQt(PIL.Image.fromarray(B))
def colorize(self, z, probes_z):
Returns a color array bazed on z values
nx, ny = z.shape
z = np.ravel(z)
z = self.normalize(z, probes_z)
# linear interpolation in sorted color array
indices = np.searchsorted(np.arange(self._n_interp_colors), z)
alpha = indices - z
search_colors = np.vstack([
self._interp_colors[0, :],
self._interp_colors[-1, :]
z_colors = (alpha[:, np.newaxis] * search_colors[indices, :] +
(1.-alpha[:, np.newaxis]) * search_colors[indices + 1, :])
return np.reshape(z_colors, [nx, ny, 3])
def greyscale(self, z, probes_z):
Returns a color array bazed on z values
z = self.normalize(z, probes_z)
# linear interpolation in sorted greyscale array
indices = np.searchsorted(np.arange(self.n_interp_colors), z)
alpha = indices - z
search_colors = np.concatenate([
[0.], np.linspace(0., 1., self.n_interp_colors), [1.]])
z_greys = (alpha * search_colors[indices] +
(1. - alpha) * search_colors[indices + 1])
return z_greys
def normalize(self, z, probes_z):
Normalise z , z -> z* so that z*min = 0 / z*max = self.n_interp_colors
*z* array to normalise
*probes_z* array of dim self.n_probes: values of z at probes
if probes_z.shape != self._probes.shape:
if probes_z.shape == (2,):
probes_z = np.linspace(probes_z[0], probes_z[1],
num=self._probes.shape[0], dtype=probes_z.dtype)
assert probes_z.shape == self._probes.shape
raise ValueError("Expected *probes_values* of shape {0}, "
"given {1}".format(self._probes.shape, probes_z.shape))
# on over / under flow : clip or mirror
ext_min = np.min(probes_z)
ext_max = np.max(probes_z)
if self.extent == "clip":
z = self.clip(z, ext_min, ext_max)
elif self.extent == "mirror":
z = self.mirror(z, ext_min, ext_max)
elif self.extent == "repeat":
z = self.repeat(z, ext_min, ext_max)
raise ValueError("Unexpected extent property {}".format(
return np.interp(z, probes_z, self._probes)
def clip(x, ext_min, ext_max):
np.putmask(x, x < ext_min, ext_min)
np.putmask(x, x > ext_max, ext_max)
return x
def mirror(x, ext_min, ext_max):
""" Mirroring of x on ext_min & ext_max
Formula: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triangle_wave
4/p * (t - p/2 * floor(2t/p + 1/2)) * (-1)**floor(2t/p + 1/2) where p = 4
t = (x - ext_min) / (ext_max - ext_min) # btw. 0. and 1
e = np.floor((t + 1) / 2)
t = np.abs((t - 2. * np.floor(e)) * (-1)**e)
return ext_min + (t * (ext_max - ext_min))
def repeat(x, ext_min, ext_max):
Repeating x based on ext_min & ext_max (Sawtooth)
return ext_min + ((x - ext_min) % (ext_max - ext_min))
class Image_interpolator:
def __init__(self, image, wrap=False, screen_coord=True):
Interpolation of points in an image
image: Pillow image
wrap : if True, margins are wraped
screen_coord : if True pixels to interpolate are in screen coords
(y downwards)
self._im = image
self._wrap = wrap
self._screen_coord = screen_coord
def interpolate(self, x, y):
mode = self._im.mode
if mode == "RGB":
return self.interpolate_rgb(x, y)
raise ValueError(f"Unsupported {mode}")
def interpolate_rgb(self, x, y):
x arrays of floats between [0, nx]
y arrays of floats between [0, ny]
Return an RGB array of shape shape-x) + (3,), dtype np.uint8)
shape = x.shape
res = np.empty(shape + (3,), dtype=np.uint8)
wrap = self._wrap
screen_coord = self._screen_coord
if y.shape != shape:
raise ValueError("x and y shall have same shape")
xr= np.ravel(x)
yr = np.ravel(y)
print("channels", self._im)
# channels <PIL.PngImagePlugin.PngImageFile image mode=RGB size=3600x3600 at 0x7FF2C0CA20A0>
im_arr = np.array(self._im)
for ic in range(3):
print("channel", ic)
channel = im_arr[:, :, ic]#self._im.getchannel(ic)
out = np.empty(len(xr))
im_interpolate(channel, xr, yr, wrap, screen_coord, out)
res[..., ic] = out #/ 255.
return res
def im_interpolate(channel, x, y, wrap, screen_coord, out):
Numba jitted function to interpolate in an image channel
channel: The 2d image channel to interpolate
x: The 1d x-axis pts for interpolation
y: The 1d y-axis pts for interpolation
wrap: if True, wraps, otherwise, clip
out: the res array
# note : channel.shape: height x width (column-major)
(ny, nx) = channel.shape
npts, = x.shape
for ipt in range(npts):
# The x coords
xloc = x[ipt] - 0.5
divx, modx = np.divmod(xloc, 1.)
divx = int(divx)
if 0 <= divx <= nx - 2:
ix1 = divx
ix2 = ix1 + 1
elif divx < 0: # divx = -1
ix2 = 0
if wrap:
ix1 = nx - 1
ix1 = 0
else: # divx = nx - 1
ix1 = nx - 1
if wrap:
ix1 = 0
ix1 = nx - 1
# The y coords
if False: #screen_coord:
yloc = y[ipt] - ny + 0.5
yloc = y[ipt] - 0.5
divy, mody = np.divmod(yloc, 1.)
divy = int(divy)
if 0 <= divy <= ny - 2:
iy1 = divy
iy2 = iy1 + 1
elif divy < 0: # divy = -1
iy2 = 0
if wrap:
iy1 = ny - 1
iy1 = 0
else: # divx = ny - 1
iy1 = ny - 1
if wrap:
iy1 = 0
iy1 = ny - 1
# The interpolation as barycentric coordinates
out[ipt] = (
(1. - modx) * (1. - mody) * channel[iy1, ix1]
+ (1. - modx) * mody * channel[iy2, ix1]
+ modx * (1. - mody) * channel[iy1, ix2]
+ modx * mody * channel[iy2, ix2]
class Curve:
def __init__(self, fn="x", brightness=None, hardness=None,
TODO - work in progress
A transfert curve from [0, 1] to [0, 1]
("Grey levels map")
brightness float, O. leaves untouched, 0..+1 brighten
-1..0 darken
hardness float, 1. leaves untouched, 1..inf more contrast
0..1 les contrast
blur_ranges: danping base on layer "damping_pp"
# TODO: refactor as an editor with control points ?
self.fn = fn
self.brightness = brightness
self.hardness = hardness
self.blur_ranges = blur_ranges
def set_layer(self, layer):
""" register the curve as linked to a layer
self.layer = layer
def blur_base(self):
return self.layer.damping_pp
def __call__(self, data):
brightness = self.brightness
hardness = self.hardness
blur_ranges = self.blur_ranges
# renormalise between -1 and 1
data = 2. * data - 1.
if brightness is not None:
data = self.brighten(brightness, data)
if hardness is not None:
data = self.harden(hardness, data)
if blur_ranges is not None:
data = self.blur(blur_ranges, data, self.blur_base)
data = 0.5 * (data + 1.)
return data
def brighten(brightness, data):
Input : data between [-1, 1]
output: data linearly rescaled between [min, max] so that :
- min = -1 or max = +1
- skewness = 0.5 * (min+max)
if abs(brightness) >= 1.:
raise ValueError("Expected skew strictly between -1. and 1.")
if brightness >= 0.:
return 1. - (1. - data) * (1. - brightness)
return -1. + (1. + data) * (1. + brightness)
def harden(hardness, data):
Adjust contrast for a np.array between -1 and 1
*hardness* if 1. data unchanged
if 0. < hardness < 1., soften the contrast
if hardness > 1., accentuate the contrast
if hardness < 0.:
raise ValueError(hardness)
return np.sign(data) * np.abs(data) ** (1. / hardness)
def bluring_coeff(blur1, blur2, blur3, x):
Define bluring coefficents for *x*, parameter blur1, blur2, blur3
*blur1*, *blur2*, *blur3* Monotonic, real inputs
*x* Array
*y* Arrays of bluring coefficient at x location, as below if blur
param are increasing :
1 below blur1.
smooth from blur1 to blur 2 1. -> 0.
stay at 0 between blur2 and blur 3
back to 1. after blur3
If param blur1 to blur3 are decreasing inverse the logic (mirror)
if np.sign(blur2 - blur1) * np.sign(blur3 - blur2) == -1:
raise ValueError("Expected monotonic blur1, blur2, blur3")
sign = np.sign(blur3 - blur1)
if sign == 0:
raise ValueError("Unable to define blur direction, as blur1=blur3")
elif sign == -1:
return Curve.bluring_coeff(-blur1, -blur2, -blur3, -x)
y = np.zeros_like(x)
y[x <= blur1] = 1.
y[x > blur3] = 1.
y[(x > blur2) & (x <= blur3)] = 0.
mid = (blur1 + blur2) * 0.5
l = mid - blur1
mask = (x > blur1) & (x <= mid)
y[mask] = 1. - ((x[mask] - blur1) / l)**3 * 0.5
mask = (x > mid) & (x <= blur2)
y[mask] = ((blur2 - x[mask]) / l)**3 * 0.5
return y
def blur(blur_ranges, data, blur_base):
Selectively "blurs" ie contracts to 0. the data inside "blur ranges"
defined as quantiles of the base_layer_data.
Parameters :
blur_ranges [[blur1, blur2, blur3],
[blur2, blur2, blur3], ...]
bluri expressed as quantiles of base_layer_data (in 0 - 1)
qt_base distribution function applied to base data values
(= the quantiles)
for blur_range in blur_ranges:
blur1, blur2, blur3 = blur_range
data = data * Curve.bluring_coeff(blur1, blur2, blur3, blur_base)
return data