Source code for fractalshades.colors.layers

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import logging

import numpy as np
import numba
import PIL
import PIL.ImageQt

import fractalshades.numpy_utils.expr_parser as fs_parser
import fractalshades.colors as fscolors

#        Note: Pillow image modes:
#        RGB (3x8-bit pixels, true color)
#        RGBA (4x8-bit pixels, true color with transparency mask)
#        1 (1-bit pixels, black and white, stored with one pixel per byte)
#        L ((8-bit pixels, black and white)
#        I (32-bit signed integer pixels)
fractal -> postproc -> Secondaryla -> layer -> combined layer (blend, shading)


logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class Virtual_layer: N_CHANNEL_FROM_MODE = { "1": 1, "L": 1, "I": 1, "RGB": 3, "RGBA": 4 } DTYPE_FROM_MODE = { "1": bool, "L": np.uint8, "I": np.int32, "RGB": np.uint8, "RGBA": np.uint8 } default_mask_color = None
[docs] def __init__(self, postname, func, output=True): """ Base class for all layer objects. Parameters ---------- postname : str Unique identifier key for this layer. When added to a `fractalshades.Fractal_plotter` plotter (see `fractalshades.Fractal_plotter.add_layer`) the layer can then be accessed through this key : layer = plotter["postname"] The `postname` must match a `fractalshades.postproc.Postproc` associated with this plotter. func : None | callable mapping applied during the post-processing initial step output : bool If True : an image will be saved when `fractalshades.Fractal_plotter.add_layer` directive issued. """ self.postname = postname self.min = np.inf # neutral value for np.nanmin self.max = -np.inf # neutral value for np.nanmax self._func_arg = func # kept for the record if func is None: self.func = None else: self.func = self.parse_func(func) self.output = output self.mask = None self.interpolate_params = None
@staticmethod def parse_func(func): if isinstance(func, str): return fs_parser.func_parser(["x"], func) else: return func def link_plotter(self, plotter): """ Define the layer -> Fractal plotter link """ self.plotter = plotter @property def fractal(self, fractal): return self.plotter.fractal @property def n_channel(self): """ private - The number of channels for self.arr """ return self.N_CHANNEL_FROM_MODE[self.mode] @property def dtype(self): """ private - The dtype for self.arr """ return self.DTYPE_FROM_MODE[self.mode]
[docs] def set_mask(self, layer, mask_color=None): """ Masks the base-layer Parameters ---------- layer : `Bool_layer` | `Grey_layer` The layer mask mask_color : None | 3-uplet or 4_uplet of floats belonging to [0., 1.] If None, a default value will be provided depending on the masked array subclass If a n-uplet is provided, it shall be with RGB or RGBA values for a colored layer """ if mask_color is None: # default class-implementation mask_color = self.default_mask_color self.mask = (layer, mask_color)
@property def mask_kind(self): """ private - 3 possiblilities : - no mask (returns None) - boolean mask (return "bool") - greyscale i.e. float mask (return "float) """ if self.mask is None: return None layer, mask_color = self.mask if isinstance(layer, Bool_layer): return "bool" elif isinstance(layer, Grey_layer): return "float" else: raise ValueError("Mask layer type not recognized" + type(layer).__name__) def get_postproc_index(self): """ Refactoring code common to get_postproc_batch / getitem """ plotter = self.plotter postname = self.postname try: field_count = 1 post_index = list(plotter.postnames).index(self.postname) return (field_count, post_index) except ValueError: # Could happen that we need 2 fields (e.g., normal map...) if postname not in self.plotter.postnames_2d: raise ValueError("postname not found: {}".format(postname)) post_index_x = list(self.plotter.postnames).index(postname + "_x") post_index_y = list(self.plotter.postnames).index(postname + "_y") if post_index_y != post_index_x + 1: raise ValueError( "x y coords not contiguous for postname: {}".format( postname) ) field_count = 2 return (field_count, (post_index_x, post_index_y)) def postproc_batch(self): """ layer -> postproc -> batch """ postname = self.postname for pbatch in self.plotter.postproc_batches: if postname in pbatch.postnames(): return pbatch if postname in pbatch.postnames_2d: return pbatch raise ValueError( f"Postname not found in this plotter: {postname}" ) def __getitem__(self, chunk_slice): """ read the base data array for this layer Returns a numpy array of - shape (lx, ly) or (n_fields, lx, ly) if n_fields > 1 - datatype self.dtype Note: this is the raw, unscaled values """ plotter = self.plotter dtype = plotter.post_dtype (ix, ixx, iy, iyy) = chunk_slice nx, ny = ixx - ix, iyy - iy ssg = plotter.supersampling if ssg is not None: nx *= ssg ny *= ssg field_count, post_index = self.get_postproc_index() if field_count == 1: arr = np.empty((ny, nx), dtype) ret = plotter.get_2d_arr(post_index, chunk_slice) if ret is None: return None arr[:] = ret elif field_count == 2: (post_index_x, post_index_y) = post_index arr = np.empty((2, ny, nx), dtype) ret0 = plotter.get_2d_arr(post_index_x, chunk_slice) ret1 = plotter.get_2d_arr(post_index_y, chunk_slice) if (ret0 is None) or (ret1 is None): return None arr[0, :, :] = ret0 arr[1, :, :] = ret1 return arr def update_scaling(self, chunk_slice): """ Update the overall min - max according to what is found in this chunk_slice """ arr = self[chunk_slice] # If a user-mapping is defined, apply it if self.func is not None: arr = self.func(arr) sh = arr.shape if len(sh) == 2: n_fields = 1 elif len(sh) == 3: n_fields = arr.shape[0] else: raise ValueError(f"arr shape: {sh}") if n_fields == 1: # standard case min_chunk = self.nanmin_with_mask(arr, chunk_slice) max_chunk = self.nanmax_with_mask(arr, chunk_slice) self.min = np.nanmin([self.min, min_chunk]) self.max = np.nanmax([self.max, max_chunk]) elif n_fields == 2: # case of normal maps # Normalizing by its module arr = arr[0, :, :] ** 2 + arr[1, :, :] ** 2 max_chunk = self.nanmax_with_mask(arr, chunk_slice) max_chunk = np.sqrt(max_chunk) self.max = np.nanmax([self.max, max_chunk]) self.min = - self.max else: raise ValueError(n_fields) def nanmin_with_mask(self, arr, chunk_slice): """ nanmin but disregarding the masked vals (if layer has a mask)""" mask_kind = self.mask_kind if mask_kind is None: return np.nanmin(arr) elif mask_kind in ["bool", "float"]: if mask_kind == "bool": keep_arr = ~self.mask[0][chunk_slice] elif mask_kind == "float": keep_arr = (self.mask[0][chunk_slice] != 1.) if np.any(keep_arr): return np.nanmin(arr[keep_arr]) return np.inf else: raise ValueError(mask_kind) def nanmax_with_mask(self, arr, chunk_slice): """ nanmax but disregarding the masked vals (if layer has a mask)""" mask_kind = self.mask_kind if mask_kind is None: return np.nanmax(arr) elif mask_kind in ["bool", "float"]: if mask_kind == "bool": keep_arr = ~self.mask[0][chunk_slice] elif mask_kind == "float": keep_arr = (self.mask[0][chunk_slice] != 1.) if np.any(keep_arr): return np.nanmax(arr[keep_arr]) return -np.inf else: raise ValueError(mask_kind) def crop(self, chunk_slice): """ Return the image for this chunk Subclasses should implement `aux_crop` """ arr = self[chunk_slice] return self.child_crop(chunk_slice, arr) @property def field_count(self): """ number of fields for database mmap""" # The array passed to a layer is plotter.get_2d_arr and fill_raw_arr # which is casted to post_dtype (float32 or float64) # Switching to float64 format allows to represent any integer # below 2**53 ~ 9.E15 / So it seems reasonably safe to follow this # format also for db, and less hassle than managing a ad-hoc structured # datatype (mixing float, bools etc) # We should however be careful for 2-fields layers(like normal fields) field_count, post_index = self.get_postproc_index() return field_count def db_crop(self, chunk_slice): """ Array to be used for database mmap""" return self[chunk_slice] @staticmethod def np2PIL(arr): """ Utility function - legacy """ return arr @staticmethod def PIL2np(arr): """ Inverse of np2PIL - legacy code""" return arr
[docs] class Color_layer(Virtual_layer): default_mask_color = (0., 0., 0.)
[docs] def __init__(self, postname, func, colormap, probes_z=[0, 1], output=True): """ A colored layer. Parameters ---------- postname : str passed to `Virtual_layer` constructor func : passed to `Virtual_layer` constructor colormap : fractalshades.colors.Fractal_colormap a colormap probes_z : 2-floats list probes_z = (z_min, zmax) ; the z_min value of the field will be mapped to 0. and zmax to 1. output : bool passed to `Virtual_layer` constructor """ super().__init__(postname, func, output) # Will only become RGBA if # - bool masked & mask_color has transparency # - float masked self.colormap = colormap self.probe_z = np.asarray(probes_z) # Init all modifiers to empty list self._modifiers = [] self._twin_field = None
@property def mode(self): if self.mask_kind is None: return "RGB" elif self.mask_kind in ["bool", "float"]: maskcolorlen = len(self.mask[1]) mode_from_maskcolorlen = { 3: "RGB", 4: "RGBA" } return mode_from_maskcolorlen[maskcolorlen] else: raise ValueError(self.mask_kind)
[docs] def overlay(self, layer, overlay_mode): """ Combine the output of current layer with an overlayed layer *after* color-mapping. Parameters ---------- layer : `Color_layer` | `Grey_layer` The layer to overlay. See `Overlay_mode` documentation for the options and restrictions. overlay_mode : `Overlay_mode` Object describing the kind of overlay used. """ self._modifiers += [("overlay", layer, overlay_mode)]
[docs] def shade(self, layer, lighting): """ Adds scene lighting to the layer through a normal map effect. Parameters ---------- layer : `Normal_map_layer` The layer holding the normal vector field. lighting : `Blinn_lighting` Object describing the scene lighting. """ self._modifiers += [("shade", layer, lighting)]
[docs] def set_twin_field(self, layer, scale): """ Combine two postprocessing fields in one layer. Combine the current layer with another layer *before* color-mapping. (i.e. add directly the underlying float `fractalshades.postproc.Postproc` arrays), tuning the intensity of the effect with a scaling coefficient. Parameters ---------- layer : `Virtual_Layer` instance The combined layer scale : float A scaling coefficient which will be applied to the twin layer field before adding it to the base field Notes ----- .. note:: Note : The mask of the current layer will be applied. """ if layer is None: self._twin_field = None else: self._twin_field = (layer, scale) if self.mask is not None: layer.set_mask(self.mask[0])
def child_crop(self, chunk_slice, arr): """ aux function """ # If a user-mapping is defined, apply it if self.func is not None: arr = self.func(arr) # is there a twin-field ? If yes we add it here, before colormaping if self._twin_field is not None: twin_layer, scale = self._twin_field k = scale twin_func = twin_layer.func if twin_func is None: arr += k * twin_layer[chunk_slice] else: arr += k * twin_func(twin_layer[chunk_slice]) probes = self.probe_z rgb = self.colormap.colorize(arr, probes) # Apply the modifiers for (kind, layer, option) in self._modifiers: if kind == "shade": rgb = self.apply_shade(rgb, layer, option, chunk_slice) elif kind == "overlay": rgb = self.apply_overlay(rgb, layer, option, chunk_slice) else: raise ValueError("kind :", kind) rgb = np.uint8(rgb * 255) crop = PIL.Image.fromarray(self.np2PIL(rgb)) if self.mask_kind is None: return crop # Here we have a mask, apply it (ix, ixx, iy, iyy) = chunk_slice nx, ny = ixx - ix, iyy - iy ssg = self.plotter.supersampling if ssg is not None: nx *= ssg ny *= ssg crop_size = (nx, ny) mask_layer, mask_color = self.mask self.apply_mask( crop, crop_size, mask_layer.getitem_fullprecision(chunk_slice), mask_color ) return crop def apply_mask(self, crop, crop_size, mask_arr, mask_color): """ private - apply the mask to the image """ lx, ly = crop_size mask_colors = np.tile( np.array(mask_color), crop_size).reshape([ly, lx, len(mask_color)] ) mask_colors = self.np2PIL(np.uint8(255 * mask_colors)) mask_colors = PIL.Image.fromarray(mask_colors, mode=self.mode) if self.mode == "RGBA": crop.putalpha(255) crop_mask = PIL.Image.fromarray( self.np2PIL(np.uint8(np.clip(255 * mask_arr, 0, 255))) ) crop.paste(mask_colors, (0, 0), crop_mask) @staticmethod def apply_shade(rgb, layer, lighting, chunk_slice): """ private - apply the shading to rgb color array """ if not(isinstance(layer, Normal_map_layer)): raise ValueError("Can only shade with a Normal_map_layer") normal = layer[chunk_slice] nf, nx, ny = normal.shape complex_n = np.empty(shape=(nx, ny), dtype=np.complex64) # max slope (from layer property) used for renormalisation # /!\ Responsability of the caller to ensure that nx**2 + ny**2 <= 1. coeff = np.sin(layer.max_slope) complex_n.real = normal[0, :, :] * coeff complex_n.imag = normal[1, :, :] * coeff return lighting.shade(rgb, complex_n) @staticmethod def apply_overlay(rgb, layer, overlay_mode, chunk_slice): """ private - apply the overlay to rgb color array """ return overlay_mode.overlay(rgb, layer, chunk_slice)
[docs] class Grey_layer(Virtual_layer): default_mask_color = 0. mode = "L" k_int = 255
[docs] def __init__(self, postname, func, curve=None, probes_z=[0., 1.], output=True): """ A grey layer. Parameters ---------- postname : str passed to `Virtual_layer` constructor func : passed to `Virtual_layer` constructor curve : None | callable A mapping from [0, 1] to [0, 1] applied *after* rescaling (this is the equivalent of a colormap in greyscale) probes_z : 2-floats list The preprocessing affine rescaling. If [min, max] the minimum value of the field will be mapped to 0. and the maximum to 1. output : bool passed to `Virtual_layer` constructor """ super().__init__(postname, func, output) # Will only become RGBA if masked & mask_color has transparency self.curve = curve self.probe_z = np.asarray(probes_z)
[docs] def set_mask(self, layer, mask_color=None): """ Masks the base-layer Parameters ---------- layer : Bool_layer | Grey_layer The layer mask mask_color : None | float belonging to [0., 1.] If None, a default value will be provided depending on the masked array subclass If a value is provided, it shall be with : a float belonging to [0. (black) ; 1. (white)] interval """ if mask_color is None: # default class-implementation mask_color = self.default_mask_color self.mask = (layer, mask_color)
def child_crop(self, chunk_slice, arr): """ aux function """ # If a user-mapping is defined, apply it if self.func is not None: arr = self.func(arr) # If a user-mapping is defined, apply it if self.func is not None: arr = self.func(arr) probes = self.probe_z # arr = np.clip(arr, probes[0], probes[1]) # wraps values in excess, rescale to [0, 1] # Formula: # 4/p * (t - p/2 * floor(2t/p + 1/2)) * (-1)**floor(2t/p + 1/2) where p = 4 arr = (arr - probes[0]) / (probes[1] - probes[0]) e = np.floor((arr + 1.) / 2.) arr = np.abs((arr - 2. * np.floor(e)) * (-1)**e) # then apply the transfert curve if provided if self.curve is not None: arr = self.curve(arr) # export to image format grey = self.get_grey(arr) crop = PIL.Image.fromarray(self.np2PIL(grey)) if self.mask_kind is None: return crop # Here we have a mask, apply it (ix, ixx, iy, iyy) = chunk_slice nx, ny = ixx - ix, iyy - iy ssg = self.plotter.supersampling if ssg is not None: nx *= ssg ny *= ssg crop_size = (nx, ny) mask_layer, mask_color = self.mask self.apply_mask(crop, crop_size, mask_layer[chunk_slice], mask_color) return crop def get_grey(self, arr): # Fits to numerical range return self.dtype(arr * self.k_int) @property def mask_kind(self): """ private - 3 possiblilities : - no mask (returns None) - boolean mask (return "bool") greyscale i.e. float mask not allowed """ if self.mask is None: return None layer, mask_color = self.mask if isinstance(layer, Bool_layer): return "bool" else: raise ValueError("Mask layer type not allowed here" + type(layer).__name__) def apply_mask(self, crop, crop_size, mask_arr, mask_color): """ private - apply the mask to the image """ if self.mask_kind == "bool": lx, ly = crop_size crop_mask = PIL.Image.fromarray( self.np2PIL(np.uint8(mask_arr * 255)), mode="L" ) mask_colors = np.tile(np.array(mask_color), crop_size ).reshape([ly, lx]) mask_colors = PIL.Image.fromarray( self.np2PIL(self.get_grey(mask_colors)), mode=self.mode ) crop.paste(mask_colors, (0, 0), crop_mask) else: raise ValueError(self.mask_kind)
[docs] class Disp_layer(Grey_layer): """ Grey layer with 16-bits precision. Same functionnality as a `Grey_layer` but the image export is with 16-bits precision (useful when used as an height map for 3d processing like Blender) """ mode = "I" # According to Pillow doc I mode has range 0-65535 ie 16 bits # why? cf source code: # # _OUTMODES = { # # supported PIL modes, and corresponding rawmodes/bits/color combinations # "1": ("1", b'\x01\x00'), # "L;1": ("L;1", b'\x01\x00'), # "L;2": ("L;2", b'\x02\x00'), # "L;4": ("L;4", b'\x04\x00'), # "L": ("L", b'\x08\x00'), # "LA": ("LA", b'\x08\x04'), # "I": ("I;16B", b'\x10\x00'), # "P;1": ("P;1", b'\x01\x03'), # "P;2": ("P;2", b'\x02\x03'), # "P;4": ("P;4", b'\x04\x03'), # "P": ("P", b'\x08\x03'), # "RGB": ("RGB", b'\x08\x02'), # "RGBA": ("RGBA", b'\x08\x06'), # } k_int = 65535
[docs] class Normal_map_layer(Color_layer): default_mask_color = (0.5, 0.5, 1.)
[docs] def __init__(self, postname, max_slope=70, output=True): """ Defines a normal map layer This layer can be either: - plotted directly (OpenGL normal map format) and used in a post-processing Workflow - e.g. Blender - or used to apply shading to a `Color_layer.shade` Parameters ---------- postname : str passed to `Virtual_layer` constructor max_slope : float maximal angle (in degree) of the normal map, will be used for re-normalisation output : bool passed to `Virtual_layer` constructor """ super().__init__(postname, None, colormap=None, output=output) self.max_slope = max_slope * np.pi / 180
def child_crop(self, chunk_slice, arr): """ aux function """ # Note: rgb = np.uint8(rgb * 255) (ix, ixx, iy, iyy) = chunk_slice nx, ny = ixx - ix, iyy - iy ssg = self.plotter.supersampling if ssg is not None: nx *= ssg ny *= ssg rgb = np.zeros((ny, nx, 3), dtype=np.float32) # max slope (from layer property) used for renormalisation coeff = np.sin(self.max_slope) / np.sqrt(2.) rgb[:, :, 0] = - arr[0, :, :] * coeff # nx component rgb[:, :, 1] = - arr[1, :, :] * coeff # ny component # The final normal field need to be of norm 1 k = np.sqrt(rgb[:, :, 0]**2 + rgb[:, :, 1]**2 + 1.) rgb[:, :, 0] = rgb[:, :, 0] / k rgb[:, :, 1] = rgb[:, :, 1] / k rgb[:, :, 2] = 1. / k rgb = 0.5 * (rgb + 1.) crop = PIL.Image.fromarray(self.np2PIL(np.uint8(255 * rgb))) if self.mask_kind is None: # Note : mask_color=(0.5, 0.5, 1) for this type of layer return crop # We have a mask, apply it (ix, ixx, iy, iyy) = chunk_slice nx, ny = ixx - ix, iyy - iy ssg = self.plotter.supersampling if ssg is not None: nx *= ssg ny *= ssg crop_size = (nx, ny) mask_layer, mask_color = self.mask self.apply_mask(crop, crop_size, mask_layer[chunk_slice], mask_color) return crop
[docs] class Bool_layer(Virtual_layer):
[docs] def __init__(self, postname, output=True): """ Defines a boolean mask array. Where is 1 or True, the attached masked layer values are considered masked. """ super().__init__(postname, None, output) self.mode = "1"
def __getitem__(self, chunk_slice): arr = super().__getitem__(chunk_slice) bool_arr = np.array(arr, dtype=bool) return bool_arr def getitem_fullprecision(self, chunk_slice): # Activates greyscale in case of mask + supersampling return super().__getitem__(chunk_slice) def child_crop(self, chunk_slice, arr): """ aux function """ crop_mask = PIL.Image.fromarray(self.np2PIL(arr)) return crop_mask
def _2d_rgb_to_XYZ(rgb, nx, ny): res = fscolors.Color_tools.rgb_to_XYZ(rgb.reshape(nx * ny, 3)) return res.reshape(nx, ny, 3) def _2d_XYZ_to_rgb(XYZ, nx, ny): res = fscolors.Color_tools.XYZ_to_rgb(XYZ.reshape(nx * ny, 3)) return res.reshape(nx, ny, 3) def _2d_XYZ_to_CIELab(XYZ, nx, ny): res = fscolors.Color_tools.XYZ_to_CIELab(XYZ.reshape(nx * ny, 3)) return res.reshape(nx, ny, 3) def _2d_CIELab_to_XYZ(Lab, nx, ny): res = fscolors.Color_tools.CIELab_to_XYZ(Lab.reshape(nx * ny, 3)) return res.reshape(nx, ny, 3)
[docs] class Blinn_lighting:
[docs] def __init__(self, k_ambient, color_ambient, **light_sources): """ This class holds the properties for the scene lightsources. Its instances can be passed as a parameter to `Color_layer.shade`. Parameters ========== k_Ambient : ambient lighting coefficient. A typical value is 0.2 color_ambient: 3-uplet float a RGB 3-tuple, channels values in [0, 1] : the ambient lighting color. Usually white (1., 1., 1.) """ # ref : # self.k_ambient = k_ambient self.color_ambient = np.asarray(color_ambient) self.light_sources = [] for ls in light_sources.values(): self.add_light_source(**ls)
[docs] def add_light_source( self, k_diffuse, k_specular, shininess, polar_angle, azimuth_angle, color=np.array([1., 1., 1.]), material_specular_color=None ): """ Adds a lightsource to the scene Parameters ========== k_diffuse: 3-uplet float diffuse lighting coefficients, as RGB k_specular: 3-uplet float diffuse lighting pourcentage, as RGB shininess: float Phong exponent for specular model polar_angle: float angle (theta) of light source direction, in degree theta = 0 if incoming light is in xOz plane azimuth_angle: float angle (phi) of light source direction, in degree phi = 0 if incoming light is in xOy plane """ # angles = (polar_angle, azimuth_angle) self.light_sources += [{ "k_diffuse": np.asarray(k_diffuse), "k_specular": np.asarray(k_specular), "shininess": shininess, "polar_angle": polar_angle, "azimuth_angle": azimuth_angle, # "angles_radian": tuple(a * np.pi / 180. for a in angles), "color": np.asarray(color), "material_specular_color": material_specular_color }]
def shade(self, rgb, normal): nx, ny, _ = rgb.shape XYZ = _2d_rgb_to_XYZ(rgb, nx, ny) XYZ_shaded = XYZ * self.k_ambient * self.color_ambient for ls in self.light_sources: XYZ_shaded += self.partial_shade(ls, XYZ, normal) return _2d_XYZ_to_rgb(XYZ_shaded, nx, ny) def partial_shade(self, ls, XYZ, normal): theta_LS = ls['polar_angle'] * np.pi / 180. phi_LS = ls['azimuth_angle'] * np.pi / 180. # Light source coordinates LSx = np.cos(theta_LS) * np.cos(phi_LS) LSy = np.sin(theta_LS) * np.cos(phi_LS) LSz = np.sin(phi_LS) # Normal vector coordinates nx = normal.real ny = normal.imag nz = np.sqrt(1. - nx ** 2 - ny ** 2) # cos of max_slope lambert = LSx * nx + LSy * ny + LSz * nz np.putmask(lambert, lambert < 0., 0.) # half-way vector coordinates - Blinn Phong shading specular = np.zeros_like(lambert) if ls["k_specular"] != 0.: # half azimuth angle vector between light and view phi_half = (np.pi * 0.5 + phi_LS) * 0.5 half_x = np.cos(theta_LS) * np.cos(phi_half) half_y = np.sin(theta_LS) * np.cos(phi_half) half_z = np.sin(phi_half) specular_coeff = half_x * nx + half_y * ny + half_z * nz np.putmask(specular_coeff, specular_coeff < 0., 0.) specular = np.power(specular_coeff, ls["shininess"]) if ls["material_specular_color"] is None: res = (ls["k_diffuse"] * lambert[:, :, np.newaxis] * XYZ + ls["k_specular"] * specular[:, :, np.newaxis] * XYZ) else: XYZ_sp = np.asarray(ls["material_specular_color"]) res = (ls["k_diffuse"] * lambert[:, :, np.newaxis] * XYZ + ls["k_specular"] * specular[:, :, np.newaxis] * XYZ_sp) return res * ls["color"] def _output(self, nx, ny): """ Return a RGB uint8 array of shape (nx, ny, 3) """ margin = 1 nx_im = nx - 2 * margin ny_im = ny - 2 * margin normal = np.empty((nx_im, ny_im), dtype=np.complex128) rgb = 0.5 * np.ones((nx_im, ny_im, 3), dtype=np.float64) _Blinn_lighting_sphere_fill_normal_vec(0.75, normal) img = self.shade(rgb, normal) img = np.uint8(img * 255.999) B = np.ones([nx, ny, 3], dtype=np.uint8) * 255 B[margin:nx - margin, margin:ny - margin, :] = img return np.flip(np.swapaxes(B, 0, 1), axis=0) def output_ImageQt(self, nx, ny): # B = self._output(nx, ny) return PIL.ImageQt.ImageQt(PIL.Image.fromarray(B)) #----------- methods for GUI interaction @property def n_rows(self): return len(self.light_sources) def modify_item(self, col_key, irow, value): """ In place modification of lightsource irow """ if col_key == "color": self.light_sources[irow][col_key] = np.asarray(value) # Keep aligned the angles in radian else: self.light_sources[irow][col_key] = float(value) def col_data(self, col_key): """ Returns a column of the expected field """ ret = [] for ls in self.light_sources: ret += [ls[col_key]] return ret @property def default_ls_kwargs(self): return { "k_diffuse": 1.8, "k_specular": 2.0, "shininess": 15., "polar_angle": 50., "azimuth_angle": 20., "color": np.array([1.0, 1.0, 0.95]) } def adjust_size(self, n_ls): """ Adjust the number of lightsources to n_ls""" n_ls_old = self.n_rows diff = n_ls - n_ls_old if diff < 0: del self.light_sources[diff:] else: for _ in range(diff): self.add_light_source(**self.default_ls_kwargs) def script_repr(self, indent=0): """ Return a string that can be used to restore the colormap """ k_ambient_str = repr(self.k_ambient) color_ambient_str = np.array2string(self.color_ambient, separator=', ') lightings_str = "" for ils, ls in enumerate(self.light_sources): k_diffuse = ls["k_diffuse"] k_specular = ls["k_specular"] shininess = ls["shininess"] polar_angle = ls["polar_angle"] azimuth_angle = ls["azimuth_angle"] ls_color_str = np.array2string(ls["color"], separator=', ') matcolor = ls["material_specular_color"] ls_matcolor_str = ( None if matcolor is None else np.array2string(matcolor, separator=', ') ) lightings_str += ( f" ls{ils}={{\n " f"'k_diffuse': {k_diffuse},\n " f"'k_specular': {k_specular},\n " f"'shininess': {shininess},\n " f"'polar_angle': {polar_angle},\n " f"'azimuth_angle': {azimuth_angle},\n " f"'color': {ls_color_str},\n " f"'material_specular_color': {ls_matcolor_str}\n" " },\n" ) ret = ( "fs.colors.layers.Blinn_lighting(\n" " k_ambient={},\n" " color_ambient={},\n" "{})" ).format(k_ambient_str, color_ambient_str, lightings_str) shift = " " * (4 * (indent)) ret = ret.replace("\n", "\n" + shift) return ret
@numba.njit def _Blinn_lighting_sphere_fill_normal_vec(kr, normal): # Fills in-place the Open-GL normal map field for a sphere # kr scalar, 0 < kr < 1 (usually ~ 0.75) # normal: 2d vec (nx_im, ny_im) = normal.shape center_x = nx_im / 2. center_y = ny_im / 2. r_sphe = min(center_x, center_y) * kr for i in range(nx_im): for j in range(ny_im): ipix = (i - center_x) / r_sphe jpix = (j - center_y) / r_sphe rloc = np.hypot(ipix, jpix) if rloc > 1.: # Flat surface normal[i, j] = 0. else: phi = np.arctan2(jpix, ipix) alpha = np.arcsin(rloc) # 0 where r=0, pi/2 where r=1 normal[i, j] = np.sin(alpha) * np.exp(1j * phi)
[docs] class Overlay_mode:
[docs] def __init__(self, mode, **mode_options): """ This class holds the properties for overlaying. Its instances can be passed as a parameter to `Color_layer.overlay` method. Parameters ---------- mode: "alpha_composite" | "tint_or_shade" the kind of overlay applied - alpha_composite : alpha-compositing of 2 color layers (a Bool_layer may be provided as optionnal parameter, otherwise its is the mask of the upper layer which will be considered for compositing) - tint_or_shade : the color of the lower layer will be adjusted (tinted of shaded) depending of the upper layer value (tinted above 0.5, shaded below 0.5). The upper layer in this case shall be a `Grey_layer` instance. Other Parameters ---------------- ref_white: 3-uplet float, Optionnal reference white light RGB coeff for ``mode`` "tint_or_shade" Default to CIE LAB constants Illuminant D65 alpha_mask: `Bool_layer`, Optionnal Boolean array used for compositing, for alpha_composite mode Defaults to the mask of the upper layer inverse_mask: bool, Optionnal if True, inverse the mask """ self.mode = mode self.mode_options = mode_options
def overlay(self, rgb, layer, chunk_slice): if self.mode == "alpha_composite": return self.alpha_composite(rgb, layer, chunk_slice) elif self.mode == "tint_or_shade": return self.tint_or_shade(rgb, layer, chunk_slice) def alpha_composite(self, rgb, overlay, chunk_slice): """ Paste a "masked layer" over a standard layer layer should be a colored layer with a mask, or the mask provided separately Note: The base layer shall not have a mask: otherwise it will be applied later in postprocessing destroying the intended effect. """ if not isinstance(overlay, Color_layer): raise ValueError("{} not allowed for alpha compositing".format( type(overlay).__name__ )) opt = self.mode_options # For alpha compositing, we obviously need an alpha channel if "alpha_mask" in opt.keys(): mask_arr = opt["alpha_mask"][chunk_slice][:, :, np.newaxis] else: if overlay.mask is None: raise ValueError( "alpha_composite called with non-masked overlay " "layer - Add a mask to overlay layer or provide the " "mask separately through alpha_mask parameter." ) # This is safer than using the A-channel from the image : mask_arr = overlay.mask[0].getitem_fullprecision( chunk_slice)[:, :, np.newaxis] inverse_mask = opt.get("inverse_mask", False) if inverse_mask: mask_arr = ~mask_arr nx, ny, _ = rgb.shape XYZ = _2d_rgb_to_XYZ(rgb, nx, ny) # overlay crop : first get the raw image than convert to numpy # dumping the alpha channel crop = np.array(overlay.crop(chunk_slice)) rgb2 = Virtual_layer.PIL2np(crop)[:, :, :3] / 255. XYZ_2 = _2d_rgb_to_XYZ(rgb2, nx, ny) # Apply the alpha_composite res = mask_arr * XYZ + (1. - mask_arr) * XYZ_2 # Second pass needed to handle Nan values res = np.where(mask_arr == 0., XYZ_2, res) res = np.where(mask_arr == 1., XYZ, res) alpha_composite = _2d_XYZ_to_rgb(res, nx, ny) return alpha_composite def tint_or_shade(self, rgb, overlay, chunk_slice): """ """ if not isinstance(overlay, Grey_layer): raise ValueError("{} not allowed for tint_and_shade " "overlay".format(type(overlay).__name__ )) opt = self.mode_options ref_white = opt.get("ref_white", fscolors.Color_tools.Lab_ref_white) k_pegtop = opt.get("pegtop", 0.) k_Lch = opt.get("Lch", 0.) blend_T = k_pegtop + k_Lch # Default if nothing is provided if blend_T == 0.: k_pegtop = 4.0 k_Lch = 1.0 blend_T = k_pegtop + k_Lch if (k_pegtop < 0) or (k_Lch < 0): raise ValueError(k_pegtop, k_Lch) blend_T = k_pegtop + k_Lch # This is safer than using the A-channel from the image mask_arr = None if overlay.mask is not None: mask_arr = overlay.mask[0][chunk_slice][:, :, np.newaxis] raise NotImplementedError("Still in TODO", mask_arr.shape) # overlay crop : first get the raw image then convert to numpy crop = np.array(overlay.crop(chunk_slice)) shade = Virtual_layer.PIL2np(crop) / 255. shade = shade[:, :, np.newaxis] nx, ny, _ = rgb.shape XYZ = _2d_rgb_to_XYZ(rgb, nx, ny) if np.any(rgb > 1.): raise ValueError() XYZ_pegtop = np.zeros([nx, ny, 3]) XYZ_Lch = np.zeros([nx, ny, 3]) if k_pegtop != 0: XYZ_pegtop = (2. * shade * XYZ + (1. - 2. * shade) * XYZ**2 / ref_white) if k_Lch != 0: XYZ_Lch = self.shade_Lch(XYZ, shade) XYZ = (XYZ_pegtop * k_pegtop + XYZ_Lch * k_Lch) / blend_T # Convert modified hsv back to rgb. blend = _2d_XYZ_to_rgb(XYZ, nx, ny) if np.any(blend > 1.): raise ValueError() return blend @staticmethod def shade_Lch(XYZ, shade): # Only if Greyscale shade shade = shade[:, :, 0] shade = 2. * shade - 1. nx, ny, _ = XYZ.shape Lab = _2d_XYZ_to_CIELab(XYZ, nx, ny) L = Lab[:, :, 0] a = Lab[:, :, 1] b = Lab[:, :, 2] lighten = shade > 0 Lab[:, :, 0] = np.where( lighten, L + shade * (100. - L), L * (1. + shade)) Lab[:, :, 1] = np.where( lighten, a - shade**2 * a, a * (1. - shade**2)) Lab[:, :, 2] = np.where( lighten,b - shade**2 * b, b * (1. - shade**2)) return _2d_CIELab_to_XYZ(Lab, nx, ny)